Friday, February 13, 2015

Sing or Dare

I got this idea from the blog: Singing Time in Fort Worth.  This is a great way to review songs that the kids are learning.  I printed out Sing Cards and Dare Cards on 3x5 cards.  The Sing Cards are different, fun ways to sing a certain verse.  The Dare Cards ask the kids to do funny things or answer a question.  Sing Cards go in the Sing pocket and the Dare Cards go in the Dare pocket.  Here are the different items printed on the cards:
Dare Cards (marked with a smiley face):

  • Act out a Primary Wiggle Song (with no noise) for the rest of the Primary to guess
  • Do 5 Jumping Jacks
  • Draw a picture of your favorite food
  • Give everyone a high-five
  • Give the primary presidency a high five
  • Give your teacher a hug
  • Hop on one foot around the podium 3 times
  • Name 2 latter day prophets
  • Name all the members of in the Bishopric
  • Name the First Presidency of the Church
  • Name the two months we have General Conference
  • Name three temples
  • Name your favorite Primary Song
  • Name your favorite thing about Primary
  • Pick a “Sing” Card and help lead the music
  • Shake the hand of each teacher in the room
  • Stand on your chair and shout "I love primary!"
  • Switch seats with someone else
  • Tell the names of everyone in your class
Sing Cards (marked with a music note):
  • Clap the rhythm while you sing the 3rd verse
  • Girls face left, boys face right as you sing the 3rd verse
  • March in place while you sing the 1st verse
  • Play Stop/Go while you sing the 1st verse
  • Plug your nose while you sing the 3rd verse
  • Rub your belly and pat your head while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Sing every other word
  • Sing frozen in the position your teacher puts you in
  • Sing like a Goat while you sing the 1st verse
  • Sing like an Opera Singer while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Sing the 3rd verse sdrawkcab
  • Sing while turning around in circles
  • Sing while you clap the rhythm
  • Sing with the lights off
  • Sing with your arms stuck to your side
  • Stand on one foot and sing the 1st verse (Valiant Classes: If the other foot touches the ground, sit down)
  • Tiptoe in a circle while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Whisper Sing the 2nd verse

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