Saturday, February 14, 2015

Singing Cubes

I made these a while ago, back in August of 2013.  I like that these are interchangeable.  The kids love throwing these around.  One cube holds the songs we will sing and the other cube holds a "How To" card.  (Sing like a robot, sing while holding your tongue, etc...)  There was one blog that had some cute "Sing Like A..." cards, but that blog has been taken down (I have them save on my computer, however.)  There are some other cute ideas on Pinterest for different ways the kids can sing.  My Pinterest board for LDS Primary Songs
Original Post:
Everyone once in a while I get some crazy idea in my head for a project.  Today was one of those days.  I was trying to figure out what to do for Singing Time on Sunday.  I had been thinking about it all week, and I had no ideas.  I was sitting on the floor in my room when I got some inspiration from some baby toys I was putting in the DI pile.  Woo-hoo!  Off to the fabric store!
After much wandering around.  Lots of talking to myself.  (Samantha was with me and she hates when I do that.)  Everything was in hand and ready to go home with my new project pieces.
I was attempting to make a Singing Cube; two of them to be exact.  One for the song we would sing, and the other for how we would sing that song.  
Items needed:
Foam - I decided to make my cubes 8x8x8 
I did have to do a little piecing, but I think it won't matter
You'll need some cute fabric
Samantha found the cute music fabric 
 Plastic to hold my singing cards
 One cube complete!
Two cubes complete!
 Cards printed/created
Cube for how we would sing: I found some GREAT already created cards for how to sing.  One was created by Divine Secrets of a Primary Chorister and the other was found on LDS Primary Chorister Ideas.  I LOVE Pinterest and all the wonderful ideas it gives me access to.  
Cube for songs we would sing: I made a list of a variety of wiggle songs our primary kids know.  I'm not sure who love the wiggle songs more, me or them...
Everything was quickly sewn and done and ready for Sunday Primary Singing Time!  Bring on the songs!!  (I LOVE when my crazy ideas work!)

Nursery Props

I LOVE going and singing with the Nursery Kids.  Here are a few props I take in to help make Song Time more fun and exciting.
Wooden Suns (found on clearance at JoAnns)
Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam

Jingle Bells
We use for MANY songs!
These are made with large popsicle sticks, jingle bells (obviously), and key rings.  I used my Crop-A-Dile Big Bite (I am not endorsing this product, but I LOVE it!) to punch holes in the wood, then put the key ring on the popsicle stick, then the bells on the key ring.  Super easy and very cost efficient.  
Rhythm Sticks
These are chop sticks that I got at the 99 Cent Only store and put duct tape on one side.  Super easy and can be used for many songs, including "Our Primary Colors." 
Egg Shakers
The kids LOVE these!  Eggs, rice (or beans, corn, etc), and glue/tape.  I glued my shut, but I also put colorful electrical tape along the edges.  I used rice in these eggs, but the rice is small and comes out of the tiny ventilation hole in the bottom of the egg.  I tried covering the eggs with stickers to prevent that, but the stickers are coming off.  I am planning redoing these and using corn.
Ribbon Wands
We mostly use these for "Give, Said the Little Stream."  I have made two different kinds.  The first ones made I used fabric ribbons.  The second set I used curling ribbons.  Again, I used my Crop-A-Dile Big Bite to punch holes through the popsicle sticks and just tied knots on both sides so the strings don't come out.  These are fun to play with.  
Second set of Ribbon Wands

Edwin The Elephant

I haven't used this yet, I still need a gray sock to finish this cute project.  This was another great LDS Primary Choristers Facebook Page find.  The super creative person that created this is using to have the kids come up and help lead the music.  Super cute!  Graphic link.  The kids like when I ask them to help me lead the music.   

Wiggle Worms

Some Sunday's we have time for more than one Wiggle Song.  It is hard to pick just one Wiggle Song, so I found this idea on The Chorister's Corner on a great idea on how to pick different Wiggle Songs.  These are small hair bands with googly eyes glued on the top and song titles glued on the other side.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Spin a Song

I also saw this on Pinterest and thought it was a great idea.  I also ordered this from Oriental Trading and repainted it.  I am super disappointed with this wheel, however.  I have reglued the pegs in at least twice.  The arrow is just too close to the pegs and knocks them out.  The kids LOVE when we use it, but I will have rethink how to keep the pegs in.  Otherwise, it is a fun idea to use during Song Time. Who doesn't love to spin a wheel and see what song you will sing?

"Chews" to Sing

I'm not sure where I saw this idea, but I thought it was too cute not to do.  I wanted a simple way for kids to pick a variety of songs we have been working.  What better way than with a cute gum ball machine?  I placed the songs on small post-it notes on the back of colorful circles that I have laminated.  You can switch up the songs to work with what ever songs you are working on.

Singing Time Plinko

I saw this idea somewhere on Pinterest.  This is a board I purchased from Oriental Trading (search Disk Drop) and just repainted it.  I covered up their header with one I made and just Mod Podged it on.  (I LOVE Mod Podge!)  I also made new numbers for the bottom.  Each number corresponds with the songs we are working on.  The kids LOVE this!!

Sing or Dare

I got this idea from the blog: Singing Time in Fort Worth.  This is a great way to review songs that the kids are learning.  I printed out Sing Cards and Dare Cards on 3x5 cards.  The Sing Cards are different, fun ways to sing a certain verse.  The Dare Cards ask the kids to do funny things or answer a question.  Sing Cards go in the Sing pocket and the Dare Cards go in the Dare pocket.  Here are the different items printed on the cards:
Dare Cards (marked with a smiley face):

  • Act out a Primary Wiggle Song (with no noise) for the rest of the Primary to guess
  • Do 5 Jumping Jacks
  • Draw a picture of your favorite food
  • Give everyone a high-five
  • Give the primary presidency a high five
  • Give your teacher a hug
  • Hop on one foot around the podium 3 times
  • Name 2 latter day prophets
  • Name all the members of in the Bishopric
  • Name the First Presidency of the Church
  • Name the two months we have General Conference
  • Name three temples
  • Name your favorite Primary Song
  • Name your favorite thing about Primary
  • Pick a “Sing” Card and help lead the music
  • Shake the hand of each teacher in the room
  • Stand on your chair and shout "I love primary!"
  • Switch seats with someone else
  • Tell the names of everyone in your class
Sing Cards (marked with a music note):
  • Clap the rhythm while you sing the 3rd verse
  • Girls face left, boys face right as you sing the 3rd verse
  • March in place while you sing the 1st verse
  • Play Stop/Go while you sing the 1st verse
  • Plug your nose while you sing the 3rd verse
  • Rub your belly and pat your head while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Sing every other word
  • Sing frozen in the position your teacher puts you in
  • Sing like a Goat while you sing the 1st verse
  • Sing like an Opera Singer while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Sing the 3rd verse sdrawkcab
  • Sing while turning around in circles
  • Sing while you clap the rhythm
  • Sing with the lights off
  • Sing with your arms stuck to your side
  • Stand on one foot and sing the 1st verse (Valiant Classes: If the other foot touches the ground, sit down)
  • Tiptoe in a circle while you sing the 2nd verse
  • Whisper Sing the 2nd verse