Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Singing Time

Here is fun idea I got from Primary Singing Time Ideas. Every year people set New Year's Resolutions.  How can Primary Songs help us set some good goals and New Year's Resolutions?  Here is a list of various goals/resolutions we may have.  I have the goals/resolutions on the board and the kids take turns flipping them over to find out what song will help us achieve our goals.
  • I will know and understand that I am a child of God; and that He loves me. - I Am a Child of God, p. 2
  • We can be kind and helpful to others by doing good deeds. - I Have Two Little Hands, p. 272 (only 1 verse)
  • We can try to be more like Jesus every day. - I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus, p. 78 (only 1 verse)
  • You can show gratitude to Heavenly Father. - My Heavenly Father Loves Me, p. 228
  • We can choose to be happy. - Smiles, p. 267
  • We can bear our testimony more. - I Know my Father Lives, p. 5
  • We can follow God's plan. - I Will Follow God's Plan, p. 164
  • We can listen more closely to the Holy Ghost. - Listen, Listen, p. 107
  • We can be a better member missionary by inviting our friends to church. - We’ll Bring the World His Truth, p. 172
  • We can learn to obey our Mom and Dad better. - Quickly I’ll Obey, p. 197
  • We can be better about sharing things we have been blessed with. - “Give,” Said the Little Stream, p. 236
  • We can be more reverent when we are at church on Sunday. - The Chapel Doors, p. 156

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