Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

I can't remember where I found this idea.  But the idea is to help the children understand the true meaning of Easter and why it is so important.  I have 7 "eggs" that I hide around the room that the kids will help me find.  Each "egg" has a picture and a song that goes along with it.  The kids need to help me put them in order of what happens first, second, etc.
  • Jesus enters Jerusalem - Follow the Prophet p. 110 
  • The Last Supper - I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus p. 78 
  • The Atonement in Garden - My Heavenly Father Love’s Me p. 228  
  • Jesus is betrayed for money - Wise Man/Foolish Man p. 281 
  • Crucifixion - To Think About Jesus p. 71 
  • Placed in the Tomb - I Lived in Heaven p. 4 
  • Empty Tomb/Appears to Mary - Jesus Has Risen p. 70 

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