Sunday, January 11, 2015


I got this idea from the LDS Primary Choristers Facebook Page. Break up a song into four different parts.  Print each of those parts onto an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper and stick them onto the corresponding colors.  Have a deck of UNO cards, but only pull out the 1, 2, 3 (only if you want - I didn’t use 3), and 0 (for the Chorus) of each of the colors (red, blue, yellow, and green), also pull out the Wild Cards.  Call on a child to help, if they pull out a Blue 2 from your deck, then you sing the phrase that is in the blue section twice.  If they pull a Yellow 1, then they sing the phrase that is in the yellow section once.  The Wild Card allows them to choose whatever part of the song they would like.  Then repeat.  This was so much fun!  The graphic was downloaded from the LDS Primary Choristers Facebook Page.  (LOVE that group!)  Graphic Link.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Singing Time

Here is fun idea I got from Primary Singing Time Ideas. Every year people set New Year's Resolutions.  How can Primary Songs help us set some good goals and New Year's Resolutions?  Here is a list of various goals/resolutions we may have.  I have the goals/resolutions on the board and the kids take turns flipping them over to find out what song will help us achieve our goals.
  • I will know and understand that I am a child of God; and that He loves me. - I Am a Child of God, p. 2
  • We can be kind and helpful to others by doing good deeds. - I Have Two Little Hands, p. 272 (only 1 verse)
  • We can try to be more like Jesus every day. - I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus, p. 78 (only 1 verse)
  • You can show gratitude to Heavenly Father. - My Heavenly Father Loves Me, p. 228
  • We can choose to be happy. - Smiles, p. 267
  • We can bear our testimony more. - I Know my Father Lives, p. 5
  • We can follow God's plan. - I Will Follow God's Plan, p. 164
  • We can listen more closely to the Holy Ghost. - Listen, Listen, p. 107
  • We can be a better member missionary by inviting our friends to church. - We’ll Bring the World His Truth, p. 172
  • We can learn to obey our Mom and Dad better. - Quickly I’ll Obey, p. 197
  • We can be better about sharing things we have been blessed with. - “Give,” Said the Little Stream, p. 236
  • We can be more reverent when we are at church on Sunday. - The Chapel Doors, p. 156

Top Songs of the year

I have started off the last few years with the Previous Years Top Songs.  How do I found out these song?  Well, we have a California Snowball Fight.  "What is a California Snowball Fight?" you ask.  I give every child and adult two pieces of paper.  They are supposed to write their favorite Primary Song on those papers.  Then after we have our lesson for the day, we take those papers, crumple them up, and start throwing them at each other.  The kids LOVE it!  Then I come back the next week with a tally of what songs got the most votes and we sing those songs.  Simple and fun!